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Free Movies, Music, Games and Software Download

January 5, 2013

You must have heard about your friend downloading latest music, games, movies etc; but you never knew how he/she does that. Here are some of the P2P software which can get any or every software that you want.

peer-to-peer (abbreviated to P2P) computer network is one in which each computer in the network can act as a client or server for the other computers in the network, allowing shared access to various resources such as files, peripherals, and sensors without the need for a central server. With this anybody on the network who has the software can act as server for you to download what you need. Similarly any file that you want to share can be downloaded by others hence creating a network which is free and open. There are huge number of P2P software that are available, following are just few of them:


Luckywire, Shareaza, BitTorrent, AresGalaxy, eMule, BearShare, Gnutella, uTorrent

But best of the lot is Vuze, Its fast, easy and feature packed. You can add support of various other search sites. You can download Vuze here. Follow simple installations to install Vuze. To add further Torrent sites to your Vuze installation, download following zip file and extract to a folder


Extract the zip file and it will now show you all the sites you can add to your Vuze search. Double Click each file and it will add a new torrent search to your Vuze Installation.

Vuze Add Sites to Search

Now start the search and all your favourite softwares, games and movies will start appearing 🙂

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